Friday, March 1, 2013

Recipe: Deviled Spuds

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted any recipes. This one is pretty cool, though, so it will hopefully make up for the lull in posted content.

Deviled eggs have been a staple of dish-to-pass occasions since the days of ancient Rome (according to Wikipedia) and command a passion from fans unmatched by most other dishes. What other foods can brag that there are serving platters in thousands of kitchens designed specifically for them?

Unfortunately, though, egg stuffed with more egg isn’t very vegan friendly. This recipe instead opts to use potato in the place of the eggs, but keeps all the deviled flavors that are found in the traditional egg dish.


6 egg-sized potatoes, peeled and halved
1/4 c. vegenaise
1 Tbsp sweet relish
1 Tbsp grated onion
1/4 tsp turmeric
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp fresh ground white pepper
Paprika or chili powder, for garnish

Put potatoes into a pot of salted water. Bring pot to a boil and cook until potatoes are fork-tender. Carefully strain potatoes from the water.

Once cooled, gently scoop a yolk-sized piece of potato from the center of each potato half. A melon baller worked perfectly when I made my test batch.

In a mixing bowl, mash all potato “yolks” until as smooth as possible. Add all additional ingredients to the mashed potatoes and mix thoroughly.

Place the potato shells round side down on a platter and lightly salt the upright side of each. Fill each potato shell with a scoop of the mashed potato mixture.

Dust with the paprika. Serve cool.

UPDATE: After posting this recipe to reddit, user smallwhiteflower had a great suggestion. Check out their comment here.