Thursday, March 21, 2013

Our Liebster Award Acceptance Speech

So, if any of you scroll down far enough on the Confession Time! post, you may notice that Quincy Leah of the blog Shugurcan commented to us a nomination for the Liebster Award!

The Liebster Award is a cool little award that is given from one blogger to another, like a chain letter. Unlike a chain letter, though, you pass on the Liebster Award not to avoid a curse or ensure an ideal romance or whatever other superstition the given letter may choose to prey upon, but instead it's passed on to help build a stronger community of bloggers.

The Award builds community by asking participants to: Thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog; List 11 random facts about yourself and your blog; Answer 11 questions from the nominator; Nominate up to 11 blogs with 200 followers or fewer with a comment on their blog; Ask 11 questions for your nominees to answer in their own blog.

So, we may as well get right into it!

11 Random Facts About Jess and Josiah:
  • Jess is deathly afraid of moths.
  • Josiah broke his knee in two... while bowling.
  • Jess has weird thumbs. They're too short. Look up Megan Fox's thumbs on Google Image Search if you're needing a visual.
  • Josiah works for Corning Incorporated, mixing all sorts of nifty chemicals together.
  • Jess works as the Director of Corporate Compliance for an area nursing home.
  • Despite hating most of the contestants and despising most of the foods the show pushes, we continue to watch The Biggest Loser.
  • We're expecting our first child on or around May 5th.
  • We don't know the gender of the baby. Jess won't even venture to guess at it. Josiah thinks it's a boy. Then he thinks it's a girl. Then he thinks it's a boy. Right now he thinks it's a girl.
  • Jess's favorite dinner is hands-down Kale with Black-eyed Peas (The baby likes it, too)
  • Josiah's favorite dinner is Dogfish Head 60-Minute IPA.
  • Our dog Obi often has gas so bad that it smells like a skunk has entered the room.

Answering Quincy of Shugurcan's 11 Questions:
  • What made you interested in food and fitness?
    Food tastes good; vegan food tastes good and kind. Josiah is certainly interested in cooking. That was sparked when he was bedridden after a knee surgery. He had to watch more than his fair share of television. Lo' and behold, when he was back on his feet, he had absorbed a lot of cooking technique from the Food Network and was enthusiastic about trying them out.
  • What was your favorite subject in school?
    Jess liked French and Psycology. She liked French so much mostly because she recalls her French teacher telling the story of her being stuck on a raft, smoking weed during the 1972 flood of our fair city, Corning, NY.
    Josiah was always an art student, through and through. Any extra study hall time was spent in the art room. And of course, he moved on to study Design and Imaging in college at RIT.
  • Do you own any pets and if so, what kind?
    We own two dogs, Ella and Obi. They are Boston Terriers, are obsessive snugglers, and are occasionally good.
  • How long have you been blogging for?
    The blog has been online for about a year and a half, though it had a period of hiatus while home improvement projects and a pregnancy consumed all free time and energy. A Tempeh Tantrum is back to active now, though!
  • What the first concert you went to?
    Oddly enough, both of our first concerts were in fact the same concert! Well before we had actually met--nearly a decade prior--we both saw Hootie and the Blowfish (Remember them!?)
  • If you could live in any decade, which would it be?
    We would both choose the 60's. Jess would live then because of the cultural changes going on and all of the great music of the era. Josiah would live then to be with Jess. And he's a fan of mind-enhancing drugs.
  • Are you a night person or a morning person?
    It most certainly depends upon the day of the week. If there's a day of work ahead, we'll take the night. Also, with Jess being pregnant, she's been awfully tired more or less all the time.
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Pineapple. Jess hasn't craved too many odd foods with her pregnancy, but she has craved pineapple, pineapple, and more pineapple. If our count is correct, we have gone through 8 fresh pineapples in just the past 2 months or so. Also, we've eaten one or two cans of pineapple on tonp of that.
  • What is your favorite hobby?
    Josiah is still a child at heart and plays video games when he has the time. Running is the hobby of choice for Jess. And being pregnant is getting in the way of that. In that regard, she is more than ready to not be pregnant anymore.
  • Do you like coffee or tea (or neither)?
    Jess misses her blueberry coffee, but she's moved to mint tea since our baby's started growing in her. Josiah isn't pregnant, so he still drinks plenty of coffee. Maybe even too much.
  • Do you prefer big parties or small group gatherings?
    Small group gatherings. We both love all our friends dearly, but get anxious with too many people around.

Now, I'm sure you're getting sick of hearing all about us, so let's move on to our list of Liebster Award nominees! Drum roll, please! (Reader's Note: You're responsible for providing your own drum roll.) Our Liebster Award nominees are as follows:

11 Questions For Our Nominees:
  • How long have you been blogging?
  • What's your all-time favorite post on your blog?
  • What do you think is the king of vegetables?
  • What's a typical dinner look like for you?
  • What's your favorite book?
  • Dogs or Cats?
  • What was the first thing you wanted to grow up to be?
  • What are some of your favorite TV shows?
  • Where would you most like to go if I were to hand you a plane ticket right now?
  • Which would you choose: robotic super-legs or robotic super-arms?
  • What are you wearing? *Sly Wink*

And there we have it! Our acceptance of the Liebster Award! We had fun and urge you all to check out Shugurcan, who nominated A Tempeh Tantrum, as well as all the blogs we have in turn nominated.

Thanks for reading! Eat green!

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