Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts From the First Week

I'm a little short on time, so I'm not going to type out everything that I've eaten since the last post. I just want to share a few thoughts from the week.

Overall, I'm feeling really good. I haven't been overly hungry or feeling deprived at any point. There have been a few times where I have eaten foods that definitely aren't raw, but I haven't let that derail me like it would have in the past. I feel like the mental fog is going away slowly. It's still there a bit in the mornings. Oh and not counting calories? It's the best thing that's ever happened to me! I feel so much better about myself and I don't feel like I'm in a constant state of panic.

I've also had some really amazing food over the past week. I tried kelp noodles for the first time yesterday. They have a strange texture, but they are really good! The dehydrator arrived on Tuesday and so far we have made rye flat bread, buckwheat granola, marinated vegetables, kale chips, and we marinated and dehydrated some tofu. We also made our first batch of chocolate blueberry energy bars from one of the Thrive books. We have been so busy and I forgot to take pictures! I'll try to get better about that next week!

In more important news, my mom is turning into a veggie! She has read some of my favorite books and is horrified at the meat and dairy industry. So, she is trying really hard to transition to the vegan lifestyle. She and I went to a vegan cooking class on Saturday (I'll get into that further in a separate post) and tomorrow we are going grocery shopping in Ithaca because they have a better selection of vegan options. I'm so proud of her!

We slacked a little in our exercise this week, but today I ran 4 miles after a raw breakfast and I felt pretty good. Within this next week, we are going to make an effort to go to the gym more. Although, even with the small amount of exercise, my body fat percentage is already down 1%. I've tried the raw thing before, and I've always given up after a few days. This time it feels differently. I'm still motivated and I'm feeling really good. I'm still getting into the swing of it with preparing all of this food, but I'm having fun doing it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm questing to not count calories also, but I keep eyeball estimating. My mini goal is to make sure I eat some veggies or fruits with every meal, and eat more of them raw. :)

    Oh, I don't recall if I've told you, but I have a fantastic book called "Raw Energy" full of drinks, bars, snacks, etc that are meant to be mega energy bombs- great for when you need some fuel for running, etc. I really think you'd like it.
