Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Once Upon a Time....

All good stories start with that phrase, right? I'm three days in and I haven't withered away! I've had a few headaches and I've been a little tired, but nothing too terrible.

Monday's are always rough for me. Obviously just the fact that it's Monday, but I also leave the house at 8:30am and I don't return until about 10pm because I have class. This week we gave our presentations for our first project. So, I was a little anxious about that. We did a great job, though! Afterwards, I was absolutely drained. I was going to go to the gym, but I knew that would be dangerous. I wasn't feeling too hungry at any point in the day until I got home from school.

Oh and the teacher brought us chocolate for Valentine's Day.... and at one point I had to stand there holding it for everyone. Talk about torture!!

Monday's Food Journal
She Glows Oats - a recipe from Everyday Happy Herbivore. It's mostly raw, it just has some coconut milk in it.
1 banana
1 serving of "raw" almonds - I'll discuss the quotation marks around "raw" shortly
Large salad with avocado and chick peas, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice for dressing
3 kiwis and some blueberries
1 apple
1 pear
Some baby carrots, cucumber, and red pepper:
1 larabar - these are mostly raw. Some people disagree over how raw they are, but it's good enough for me.
After school snack:
Carrots with hummus and some more almonds

On to Valentine's Day - It was a crazy day at work. I had a strong urge to snack mid morning. I'm pretty sure this was because of boredom and because it was Valentine's day, I felt that I deserved a treat. I didn't want my lunch right at lunch time and then I got called out to a home visit. By the time I got back to the office it was 3pm and I had a major headache. I ate my gazpacho, and I felt much better. My co-workers were also insanely jealous of this meal. They said that I made them want to go eat a cucumber. Not a bad thing! Dinner was also excellent and I was still full 2 hours later. Then of course was dessert because it was a special day. The "nutella" and berries was amazing!! I also had the best night's sleep. I definitely needed that.

Tuesday's Food Journal
A tofu yogurt with a banana and raw granola - The yogurt recipe is also from EHH. The tofu isn't raw, but the rest was.
Apple and some almonds
1 Larabar - no wonder I wasn't hungry for lunch
Late lunch:
1 pear
Baby carrots
Spinach scramble - from one of Ani Phyo's books
Strawberries and chocolate hazelnut kreme - tasted like Nutella!

Josiah and I also went to the gym tonight. I ran 1 mile and did 30 minutes of weights.

Oh,and I got flowers!

Wednesday, so far, has been a pretty exhausting day. I was out for home visits all day and we are in the process of switching offices. Everything just feels like a mess. I'm better now that I'm home, though. I saw this quote today on Pinterest and it reminded me of this journey I'm on. "Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off of the goal." I think I needed this for work, too.

On to my information regarding raw nuts. I've done some research and it appears that a majority of the nuts sold in the United States, even if they are labeled as being raw, really aren't. Apparently California law states that all almonds must be pasteurized. I read that almost all nuts, aside from walnuts, are pasteurized or steamed even if they are labeled raw. I'm not going to freak out about this. Just thought it was interesting. I've been eating a lot of nuts because I have them in my desk drawer at work. So, I might cut down a bit once those are gone.

Wednesday's Food Journal
Smoothie made with Vega Complete Whole Food Optimizer, banana, cocoa powder, and ice
Apple and almonds
Leftover spinach scramble
Baby carrots
Veggie wrap with raw hummus - see below!
Haven't had it yet, but I'm thinking a banana and some of that raw nutella!

The Veggie Wrap

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love, love, LOVE larabars! Especially the cherry pie flavor. They're one of those magical foods that both Primals and Vegans can enjoy. :D

    I was bummed about the nut thing too. Typically I prefer raw over not when it comes to both nuts and dairy. Getting raw dairy is a whole other debacle.

    Your food looks absolutely lovely!
